Weather and Climate
In the Buttala - South East Sri Lanka - Yala National Park Region
Day versus night
The annual average temperature is 27 degrees. Our location is about 80 kilometer from the east-coast and the same from the south-coast. The climate and day and night temperatures are more continental type, different to Sri Lanka’s coastal weather. The day / night maximum-minimum temperature difference can be up to 12-15 degrees Celsius.

Wet Versus Dry
The annual average rainfall is 1300mm. The climate is ‘dry zone’ and some years or seasons are semi-arid due to the infrequency of rain.
The weather tends to be more unpredictable and drier in recent years. Weather patterns can vary considerably from year to year. A safe idea about a likely weather forecast for particular days of the year is hard to predict.
Rain increasingly falls as freak, heavy showers, even at unexpected times.
On the other side, expected wet seasons have been drier than they should, according to traditional climatic patterns. Generally, the wettest time of the year would normally be from mid October to mid January, usually with a rainfall peak in November.
The period called monsoon (December/January) is not necessarily that wet. Actually December and January often come with pleasant weather.
Full day rain is rare and happens only with unpredictable low pressure
weather systems; always an impact arriving from the Indian Ocean.
Short afternoon rain showers can occur throughout the year but rarely from the end of May – mid September where drought will normally prevail.
After the wet season the landscape is normally lush and green until the beginning of June. Landscape colors turn more yellow-dry in the dry time.

Mild, Hot And Hotter
The weather is milder – in the sense less hot – from mid October to the beginning of February. In this period day maximum temperatures rise to around 28-31c. Evenings are pleasant, around 24c. Late night down to 18-20c.
During the month of February the power of the sun increases and the days are gradually getting hotter.
The weather is hottest, more humid, from the end of March until mid May. In March-April afternoon temperatures can hit 35c.
In the whole island heat and humidity builds from mid-March to late May.
The April – May period feels more hot and humid while the heat is frequently interrupted in the afternoon, by a thundershower paving the way for enjoyable cool evenings and nights.

Dry Season
Dry Season : June to October is a dry or drought period; often there is no rain at all. Only from around 20 th September afternoon showers can often happen.
The dry season is hot and day temperatures climb to the mid 30’s and more. The air is very dry, and the daytime air humidity is low; on some days just 20-30%. Dry air and winds help to reduce the hot feeling.
With clear and dry conditions in the dry season there are big differences between day and night temperatures. Up to 15 degrees variance between day maximum and night minimum.

The dry season comes with high afternoon temperatures, yet it is a pleasant period. Mid day heat comes with breezes and winds and the great contrast between hot days and cooler evenings and nights is an enjoyable tropical weather type.
In this period, our guests often tell us the scenery and environment reminds them of African savannah.